Rebecca and Steve invited the entire family for a gathering at their beautiful new house. Their hospitality provided a rare occasion for the entire family to be together in the same place. Timing also allowed the family to celebrate Joshua’s birthday, a few days early. Photos of the event are HERE, including a few shots of Joshua on his actual birthday; sushi for breakfast and opening some cool clothes he received as gifts. Thank you Rebecca and Steve for being such gracious hosts! And, Happy Birthday, Joshua! And, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
EXTRA! Late at night, experimenting with Squarespace’s new version, I found that I can now include links to YouTube videos in my Squarespace photo galleries. This is totally new. I’m testing a post of a short video of Josh FaceTiming Ohio at the end of the photo gallery linked above. There are some technical issues about keeping the video private on YT but still allowing it to be used/linked to here in Squarespace. I would appreciate if you would try the YT link and let me know if the video actually plays for you. If it works, I’ll be able to add videos going forward and, maybe, go back and add some videos retrospectively. Thanks.