We hung a bird feeder outside one of our windows a while ago. We've been diligently filling the feeder with all sorts of bird feed. The feeder has attracted a variety of customers. The most infamous is the squirrel that lives under our neighbors play set. We regularly see him attacking the feeder. We've put a Slinky over the hanger pole to discourage his climbing up the pole. That seems to work, but he has an amazing ability to jump and leaps directly onto the feeder hanging on it precariously as he grabs the goodies. Still, on some nights, it seems half of the feeder full is consumed. We're finding in hard to believe that this little squirrel can eat all of that food in one night? Maybe deer? We see them in the driveway on a regular basis. Recently, we also saw a fox.
Not sure what these birds are. A couple appear to be cardinals without their bright coloring. The others?? If you recognize any of these visitors, drop me a note. Pics are HERE.