Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving here, in the U.S..  We will be celebrating the holiday with the traditional turkey and trim.  We'll be at our daughter Rebecca's home so that Kathleen can cook but Becca will not have to leave home with the new baby, Ella Catharine.

We recently returned from a brief trip to Florida to Walt Disney World and to visit with relatives and friends.  Some photos from the visit are posted in the Photos section.  One of the seasonl highlights that we wanted to see at WDW was the display of the Osborne Family Christmas Lights at Holywood Studios.  A brief history of the Osborne Lights.  They were part of a large Christmas display built by an individual for his wife and family. It grew and grew until it was, literally, too large for his residential neighborhood.  An arrangement was made with Disney to move the display from the midwest to WDW, where it now resides.  A couple videos to give you the feel of the display follow.

Happy Thanksgiving, All!